Be mindful about the metal chains attached, and use gentle methods to cleanse and charge. The best method is to clear your jewelry with sound and then have a piece of Selenite close by to keep it charged.
Use a Charging Crystal:
Sit your jewelry or crystal on top of a chunk of Citrine, Quartz, or Selenite on a windowsill overnight, preferably during a full moon or a windowsill that gets sun
Place small stone on a large flat Quartz, Citrine, or Amethyst Cluster for 24 hours
Keep Carnelian or Selenite close to your crystals for constant cleansing
Fill your crystals with loving white light through meditation
- Hold your stones and see a brilliant white liquid light coming in to cleanse and recharge the crystal to its purest and powerful state
Place outside for a moon bath (be mindful of rain- some crystals don't like water)
Place stones and crystals outside in direct sunlight for an afternoon to clear and charge
Program Your Crystals